Saturday, November 20, 2010 Posted by **Jyotirmay Kalita** 0 comments » Posted in

Different Effects that you must know-

Effects of Smoking:

Smoke actually increases the risk of suffering from life-threatening diseases even if a person quits in the later years of his life. Of course, quitting would at least help to diminish the evil effects of tobacco. Smoking has a permanent effect on the following parts of a human body even if you have smoked for only five years;

Don't Smoke please

Smoke may effect your:
  • Lungs,
  • Heart,
  • Eyes,
  • Throat,
  • Urinary tract,
  • Sex organs,
  • Women's fertility zone,
  • Men's sperm production,
  • Digestive organs,
  • Bones and joints,
  • Skin  

The intensity of the irreversible effects of smoke depends on certain factors;
  • The quantity of cigarette smoke per day;
  • How old was he when he started smoking;
  • Number of years a person has smoked;
  • Level of resistance to the tobacco chemicals;

    Effects of Junk food: 

      We all know that junk food is not the best for our body; we even call it "junk." Junk food is overly processed, saturated with fats, sodium, and calories and their nutritional value is very low, yet, it's one of the most common foods found in America and is what most people eat in a regular basis because of its availability and price.

      Part of the success of junk food is that it looks much better than it is. Usually these food packages are bright, colorful, and attractive overall. They are widely available in all kinds of shapes and sizes in every corner. Burgers, fries, potato chips, soda, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets are just some of the most common examples.

      Your skin needs a balanced diet to stay healthy, and a diet based in junk food is not balanced at all. Fatty acids are an essential element that contributes to a healthy skin, and unfortunately, junk food rarely contains any. People with a diet based in junk food should at the very least take supplements that contain this compound.

      Fatty acids are not the only nutritional element junk food lacks. High quality proteins, fiber, vitamins and mineral are other nutrients that are needed by your organism and are not found often in most junk foods. This is one of the reasons why people eating junk food regularly, are often obese, have dental cavities and are more vulnerable to diseases such as diabetes, and hearth disorders to name a few.

      Health problems related to a poor diet cost millions of dollar annually in treatments. This money could be better spent if people are educated in terms of food and diet. Many doctors, nutritionists and other health professionals agree that a good education that includes information about balanced diets, the effects junk food has in our bodies, and information about diseases caused by a poor diet and the health and economical effects they have in the long run would positively contribute to our society to create a culture of health.

      Negative effects of Internet Uses:

      Why is the Internet so addicting? Two reasons: information and freedom. People go online to get information (music, news, stock prices, etc). Logging onto the Internet is like a kid going to a toy store; there is so much to do and explore that once you get in, you never want to leave. People also go online because the Internet offers freedom to do whatever they want, to say whatever they want and to be whoever they want.
      This could have a negative effect since people will act in certain ways and say certain things that they otherwise wouldn't do in real life. Furthermore, because the Internet offers so much freedom, you can find your ideal self much easier, but it's not the same as your social self. The difference is due to you talking to a computer screen and you talking to a real person. Thus, the experiences we encounter on the Internet are not the same as the ones we encounter in real life.

                               Take care your SKIN in winter: 

      Winter is just not about warm clothes, fireside reading, snuggling close to the pillows wrapped from head to toe with a comfy quilt. It is time to battle the cold winds that hampers your body and hair. A little care will keep the wintry troubles at bay.


      • Avoid harsh (typically colored, fragrant or antibacterial) soaps and stick with mild non-drying soaps. 
      • Apply your moisturizing cream immediately after bathing and toweling dry. This will seal in the moisture. Use moisturizing creams and ointments that are more appropriate for the body than the face.  


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